Get Financial Year of a given Date in C#.Net / VB.Net
In this post we will see, generating a Financial Year string based on the given date.
I have given code in C#.Net and VB.Net.
I have given code in C#.Net and VB.Net.
C#.Net Method to Get Financial Year of a given Date :
/// <summary>
/// Method to Get Financial Year of a given Date
/// </summary>
/// <param name=”curDate”></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string GetFinancialYear(DateTime curDate)
int CurrentYear = curDate.Year;
int PreviousYear = (curDate.Year – 1);
int NextYear = (curDate.Year + 1);
string PreYear = PreviousYear.ToString();
string NexYear = NextYear.ToString();
string CurYear = CurrentYear.ToString();
string FinYear = null;
if (curDate.Month > 3)
FinYear = CurYear + “-“ + NexYear;
FinYear = PreYear + “-“ + CurYear;
return FinYear;
VB.Net Method to Get Financial Year of a given Date :
”’ <summary>
”’ Method to Get Financial Year of a given Date
”’ </summary>
”’ <param name=”curDate”></param>
”’ <returns></returns>
”’ <remarks></remarks>
Public Function GetFinancialYear(ByVal curDate As DateTime) As String
Dim CurrentYear As Integer = curDate.Year
Dim PreviousYear As Integer = curDate.Year – 1
Dim NextYear As Integer = curDate.Year + 1
Dim PreYear As String = PreviousYear.ToString()
Dim NexYear As String = NextYear.ToString()
Dim CurYear As String = CurrentYear.ToString()
Dim FinYear As String = Nothing
If (curDate.Month > 3) Then
FinYear = CurYear + “-“ + NexYear
FinYear = PreYear + “-“ + CurYear
End If
Return FinYear
End Function