C program to print Prime Numbers Between 1 and n
/ * c program to print Prime Numbers Between 1 and n * /
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#include<stdio.h> void main() { int num,i=1,j,count; //clrscr(); printf("Enter Num value To Print Prime Numbers between 1 and Num: "); scanf("%d",&num); printf("Prime Numbers upto %d :\n \n",num); while(i<=num) { count=0; for(j=1;j<=i;j++) { //checking whether num is dvisible by j if(i%j==0) count++; } //if num is divisible by 2 numbers,then it is prime if(count==2) printf("%d ",i); i++; } printf("\n\n"); //getch(); } |
Output: ( using GNU GCC Compiler with code::blocks IDE, hence no need of clrscr(); and getch(); )
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